Spring Semester

What it is, yo? 

Today was the third day of the Spring Semester. When I pulled into the parking lot at 12 pm it was full of cars and as I walked down the halls I saw a lot of students walking to and from class and hanging out in the lounges. When I walked into the Academic Support Center I was pleasantly surprised to find we were almost full. One of the English classes was using the lab to complete some assignments that required a computer. For the last few semesters we've had a lot of English and Math classes coming in to use the Academic Support Center. A lot of our classes are now using on-line resources and programs to reinforce what the students are learning in the classroom. Our instructors are also utilizing BlackBoard, our on-line learning software, in their classes as well. Even some of our face-to-face classes are now putting discussion boards, tests, quizzes, and other electronic items on-line for students to access and complete as part of their daily assignments. It gives the students a chance to learn our on-line systems and develop the necessary computer skills to succeed not only in college, but the workplace as well. 

Student traffic was steady throughout the day in the Academic Support center but died down around 3 pm. That gave me a chance to refill the printers, replace a printer cartridge, help a student reset a password, and go on a hunt for some cleaning wipes for someone in another department. Yeah, that's what I do in my "downtime" at work for the most part. After all, we can't stay on Facebook all day long now can we?

I decided to drop the class I was registered for this semester. I really couldn't afford to take the class since I pay for tuition and textbooks out of my own pocket right now. I already have one degree in Office Administration and decided to complete a degree in Computer Information Systems. It was going well until I hit the programming classes. It wasn't that I found them hard or that I couldn't do it. I just didn't want to do it. If I didn't want to do the assignments in class, then it was very clear that I wouldn't enjoy it as a career either. In fact, I became burnt out rather quickly. I took a break from taking classes and tried to figure out what to do. It was about that time that our Criminal Justice program started to take off and earned accreditation and I decided to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Youth Services. But, because of the classes I had taken in between graduating with the degree in Office Administration and starting the Criminal Justice degree, my financial aid had run out. That's why I've been paying for classes for the last few years. So, I only take one or two classes a semester and it comes out of my pocket. It's taking forever to complete my degree this way, but I'm determined to finish. But, I just found out from a friend who is also in the same degree program that they have changed the requirements and eliminated the concentrations so I'm not even sure what classes I need and how this effects my chosen degree. I've tried contacting my Academic Advisor, but so far she hasn't gotten back with me. Hopefully by the time the Fall semester rolls around again I'll have enough cash flow to start classes again and I'll actually know what I am supposed to take! It's good to have goals, right?

Well, I guess I've rambled on long enough. (I know you're probably thanking whatever deity you believe in right now that this blog is coming to an end...)

Until next time...

Peace out!


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